Hi all,

I'm using Apache 2.2 on LE for several years now and i use intensively the
virtual host mechanism (300 virtual hosts per http instance).

As soon as you start sharing resources between applications, you want to
protect your platform and prevent an application from taking all the
threads and cause a resource starvation for the others.

To do so i used the third party mod_qos module to limit the number of
simultaneous connexions per virtual hosts. Now that i intend to migrate to
Apache 2.4, my first tests reveal that this module is not compatible with
this version of Apache, that's also the warning that developper raised for
his module.

It appears that i don't find any real alternative to substitute the mod_qos
module with something else. Here are my questions :

- Can you confirm that Apache does not provide any mecanism allowing to
limit the number of connection per virtual host, just to be sure that i'm
not missing something ?

- Why Apache doesn't provide such a functionality ? :) From my very humble
user perspective, i'm surprised that this is not a native functionality as
it seems to me that my need is probably shared by many users. Moreover
Apache provides many other complex functionalities, the one i'm describing
would be probably something simple to implement compared to other
functionalities already available.

Thanks in advance for your feedbacks.

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