On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 8:50 AM, Hessel, Carl <carl.hes...@subcom.com> wrote:

> Hi Kurt, Paul,
> Yes. I grappled with all that awhile back but every idea I think of always
> leads back to the question, why does the application run fine on some
> machines where my code/syntax and everything else are identical? Thank you
> both for responding.

Isn't the answer obvious? The machines are not identically configured. If
the software has been confirmed to be identical then I would assume a
configuration setting is different at either the OS or application level.
Just because the machines are managed by your corporate IT is no guarantee
they're identical.

Where does the "Can't open perl script" error come from? The Apache web
server? If so it might help if you showed us the httpd.conf config
directives relevant to running CGI programs.

Quoting is especially problematic on MS-Windows due to how CLI arguments
are parsed. I strongly recommend using only forward slashes in file paths
whenever possible and never mix forward and back slashes as path separators.

P.S., This type of problem is a good example of why you want to avoid
"shelling out" to an external program whenever possible.

Kurtis Rader
Caretaker of the exceptional canines Junior and Hank

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