So we need to tune the network setting ?

     On Tuesday, June 2, 2015 10:48 AM, "Bremser, Kurt (AMOS Austria GmbH)" 
<> wrote:

 #yiv0068452102 #yiv0068452102 --P 
{MARGIN-BOTTOM:0px;MARGIN-TOP:0px;}#yiv0068452102 Then the culprit is not 
apache, but your network connection.If you use, say, ADSL, the upload will have 
considerably less bandwidth than the download. Kurt BremserAMOS Austria Newton 
was wrong. There is no gravity. The Earth sucks.Von: pradeepkumar tanguturi 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 2. Juni 2015 16:27
Betreff: Re: [users@httpd] Apache Larger file upload. [wd-vc]

Hi Kurt,
 when we are uploading the file from web browser it slow. when i try to upload 
the same 100mb file to the server using winscp it taking same amount of time.

On Tuesday, June 2, 2015 10:21 AM, "Bremser, Kurt (AMOS Austria GmbH)" 
<> wrote:

I'm not talking about Apache parameters. If you try an upload with a different 
method (FTP, SFTP), how fast is that? Kurt BremserAMOS Austria Newton was 
wrong. There is no gravity. The Earth sucks.Von: pradeepkumar tanguturi 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 2. Juni 2015 15:50
Betreff: Re: [users@httpd] Apache Larger file upload. [wd-vc]

HI Kurt,
I am using linux and below are my limits. you bandwith 4mbit in the network 
level. do you know how to check and increase ?

LimitRequestBody 5242880
LimitRequestFields 40
LimitRequestFieldSize 4094
LimitRequestLine  500

On Tuesday, June 2, 2015 9:26 AM, "Bremser, Kurt (AMOS Austria GmbH)" 
<> wrote:

The time roughly translates to a bandwidth of 4 Mbit. Are you sure that it's 
not the net infrastructure that is limiting your transfer? Kurt BremserAMOS 
Austria Newton was wrong. There is no gravity. The Earth sucks.Von: 
pradeepkumar tanguturi []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 2. Juni 2015 15:15
Betreff: **SPAM?** [users@httpd] Apache Larger file upload. [wd-vc]

I am trying to upload the larger file like 100mb. the upload time is taking to 
long like 4 mins. I added below line in my httpd.conf file but still taking 
same amount of time. please advice me.
SetEnv proxy-sendchunked 1
SetEnv proxy-sendcl 0


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