Hello Team,

Thank you..

I have upgraded Apache as well. and the old apache configuration looks like

*AddType text/html .shtmlAddHandler server-parsed .shtmlDirectoryIndex
index.html index.php index.shtml index.htm index.jspDocumentRoot
"/opt/app/ered/tomcat/webapps/ered">    Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
-MultiViews +IncludesNoExec    AllowOverride AuthConfig    Order
allow,deny    Allow from all</Directory>Alias /login
/opt/app/ered/tomcat/webapps/ered/login<Location "/restricted">    AuthName
"Please enter your local account and password"    AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /opt/app/ered/etc/apache_web_passwords    require
valid-user</Location><IfModule mod_alias.c>    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/
"/opt/app/ered/cgi-bin/"    <Directory "/opt/app/ered/cgi-bin">
AllowOverride AuthConfig        Options None        Order allow,deny
Allow from all    </Directory></IfModule>LoadModule webapp_module
libexec/mod_webapp.soWebAppConnection warpConnection warp
localhost:20508WebAppDeploy examples warpConnection /examples/WebAppDeploy
ered warpConnection /*

 After migrationg Apache, tomcat.. I have used mod_jk to integrate. below
is the configuration

*        LoadModule jk_module  modules/mod_jk.soJkWorkersFile
debugJkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "#JkOptions
+ForwardURIEscaped +ForwardURICompatUnparsedJkRequestLogFormat "%w %V
%T"JkMount /* worker1JkMount /servlet/* worker1*
But the redirection is not happening. Tomcat home page is coming instead of
application home page.

Please help


On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 1:53 PM, Bremser, Kurt (AMOS Austria GmbH) <
kurt.brem...@allianz.at> wrote:

>  Migrate to apache 2.4 (or at least 2.2) NOW. Really. We mean it.
> Only version 2.2 and 2.4 are being maintained.
> apache 2.4 with mod_jk works with tomcat and jboss.
>  Kurt Bremser
>  Newton was wrong. There is no gravity. The Earth sucks.
>   ------------------------------
> *Von:* Sailaja Gadireddy [sailaja.gadire...@gmail.com]
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 3. März 2015 06:14
> *An:* users@httpd.apache.org
> *Betreff:* [users@httpd] how to integrate mod_webapp to tomcat [wd-vc]
>     Hello Team,
>  Currently we have a setup of Apache 1.3.x to tomcat 4.x and mod_webapp is
> being used to integrate to tomcat.
>  There was a requirement to upgrade tomcat version to tomcat5. and I am
> unable to connect from apache 1.3.x and mod_webapp to tomcat 5.
>  I would like to know is mod_webapp connector compatible to tomcat 5? If
> yes, please suggest me the steps.
>  Thanks & Regards,
>  Sailaja
> AMOS Austria GmbH
> 1130 Wien, Hietzinger Kai 101-105
> FN 365014k, Handelsgericht Wien
> UID: ATU 66614737
> http://www.allianz.at
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