On Sun, 1 Feb 2015 12:25:52 -0500, you wrote:

>Sounds like Satisfy has been set to "Any" somewhere previously. But in
>2.4, you should skip Order and Allow and just use Require.

I commented out both those directives and restarted. Same thing.
Anyone can get in, and no username or password is asked for.

>On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 11:55 AM, Steve Matzura <numb...@noisynotes.com> wrote:
>> Upon re-reading this message, I find there was something about which I
>> was extremely unclear and ambiguous. I said that the access to the
>> password-protected area wasn't working, but failed to specify just
>> what wasn't working. The problem is that Apache isn't asking for the
>> password, and letting anyone browse this directory. Sorry for having
>> inadvertently omitted this major piece of information.
>> On Sat, 31 Jan 2015 13:23:06 -0500, you wrote:
>>>I maintain a 2.2 server and am building a 2.4 one. I have a file in a
>>>sites-enabled directory containing all the directives I need to define
>>>security for my open and password-protected directories. There is an
>>>"include" directive in the master configuration file
>>>/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. httpd -t tells me the syntax is OK. I know
>>>it's reading the included config file because there was an error in it
>>>which 'httpd -t' found and which I fixed. The open-access area works
>>>fine, but the password-protected one doesn't. Here's the "Directory"
>>>block for the non-working one, with pathnames replaced with the
>>>generic "MyDir":
>>><Directory /MyDir>
>>>                Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
>>>                AllowOverride None
>>>                Order allow,deny
>>>                allow from all
>>>               AuthType Basic
>>>               AuthName "My Area"
>>>               AuthBasicProvider file
>>>               AuthUserFile /MyDir/.htpasswd
>>>               require valid-user
>>>        </Directory>
>>>Any thoughts greatly appreciated, with my thanks in advance.
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