This one is a big shortcoming on Apple's part and OS X Server. 

Under the heading of Work with Apache, OS X Server Documentation shows cgi as 
served from /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/. And sure enough, there's a 
CGI-Executables folder right where they said it should be.

In OS X Server's Help module, for cgi info, it links you to the Apache tutorial 
on .htaccess files. There you can learn to edit the htaccess to provide Apache 
with your desired paths. But it never works.

What Apple never gets around to sharing is that OS X Server has it's own 
special config file: httpd_server_app.conf. You'll find information about it in 
a Read Me.txt located inside /Library/Server/Web/Config/apache2/. It's the sole 
reference I've found to the httpd_server_app.conf which is the only reference 
to the non-existant /Library/Server/Web/Data/CGI-Executables directory.

So, the solution for cgi-bin URLs on OS X Server is to either create a new 
folder /Library/Server/Web/Data/CGI-Executables for your cgi scripts. Or edit 
the cgi ScriptAlias and Directory paths to match what you would prefer such as 
/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables which Apple refers to everywhere else.
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