my laptop at the office is windows 7 with internet explorer 10.
our apache server is version 2.2.3 running on a Linux system.
I have a small HTML test file with a <datalist> tag that works fine when 
runlocally through the browser.
However when I send the file up to the apache server and then attempt to 
display the web page with the <datalist> tag it does not display correctly. I 
just see an input box with the contents of the datalist tag choices displayed 
beside it. I have checked the apache error log and there was no entry of any 
klind for my web page. Why does the apache web server somehow manage to mess up 
my simple little web page which is as follows :
<input type="text" name="product" list="productName"/>
<datalist id="productName">
    <option value="Pen">Pen</option>
    <option value="Stapler">Stapler</option>
    <option value="Pencil">Pencil</option>
    <option value="Eraser">Eraser</option>
    <option value="Paper">Paper</option>


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