Hi, I am new to this mailiing list. I am looking for help regarding a CORS issue with my Apache Server:
I have an Appache Server (2.4) running on my machine, and would like to enable CORS for a certain file. According to this <http://jerome.co.za/enabling-cross-origin-resource-sharing-aka-cors-in-apache/> source I need to do something like the following i my httpd.conf: <Files "C:/xampp/htdocs/some/path/file.txt"> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" </Files> I have added this to my httpd.conf file, saved it, and restarted the server. However, when trying to get this resource via ajax from a different network, I still get this issue: XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://SERVERDNS.com/some/path/file.txt <http://serverdns.com/some/path/file.txt>. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access. How can I fix this? I am not sure if I put the tag in the correct place in httpd.conf, and also I am not sure about whether the Setting itself is done correctly. I am running this server on a Windows Server 2012 machine on the Amazon Web Services EC2 cloud. Can anyone shed some light onto this for me? Thanks, best regards, Chris