
I was reading this --


Quoting what's written here --
Specify |default| as the first argument to change the settings for all mutexes
As we know mutex is a mechanism; it appears Apache has settings for each mutex it implements.

specify a mutex name (see table below) as the first argument to override defaults only for that mutex.

So the table starting with 'The following table documents....' lists all the mechanisms. But before the table there exists a list with the heading 'The following mutex mechanisms are available:'.

So I don't understand which one of these is the mutex mechanism.

Also the statement --

specify a mutex name (see table below) as the first argument to override defaults only for that mutex.

Contradicts the examples --

Mutex  sysvsem default
Mutex  fcntl:/var/httpd/locks mpm-accept

Where the entries in the table are not the first argument, instead the list starting with 'The following mutex mechanisms are available:' is.

Thanks for any clarification.

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