> Hello,
> this is our business case:
> - we have an object store where we keep video and audio files, each file
> identified by a technical key
> - we can access this object store with the S3 protocol via http (example:
> http://internal-object-store.de/bucket/key)
> - we want to put a reverse proxy in front of the S3 gateway to deliver the
> files and map user friendly urls to the technical keys (example:
> http://videoserver.de/myNewVideo.mp4 ->
> http://internal-object-store.de/bucket/key)
> - the mappings must be in a database because there are new mappings every
> hour for new files, and we delete the mappings for files that are no longer
> publicly available
> From the documentation of mod_rewrite I found that we could achieve this
> with a dbd RewriteMap (starting with httpd 2.4). I found very few
> discussions about the dbd RewriteMap via Google but at last I got a basic
> working example.
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>     ServerName         myserver.de
>     DBDriver mysql
>     DBDParams "host=my-db-host.de,port=3306,user=user,pass=pw,dbname=name"
>     DBDPersist On
>     DBDPrepareSQL "select S3_PATH from MAPPINGS where URL = %s" mappath
>     RewriteEngine On
>     RewriteMap avfile "dbd:select S3_PATH from MAPPINGS where URL = %s"
>     RewriteRule ^/s3(.*) http://internal-object-store.de${avfile:$1} [P]
> </VirtualHost>
> I was not able to use the label "mappath" of the prepared statement as a
> reference in the RewriteMap directive.
> for example:
> RewriteMap avfile dbd:mappath
> did not work.
> Here are my questions:
> Can the prepared statement be used in the RewriteMap? (And how?)
> Has anybody experience with the dbd RewriteMap in production?
> Are there any known pitfalls?
> Would it be advisable to use a different approach. For example with
> mod_lua?
> Thank you and best regards,
> Julian

Viele Grüße,
Julian Sareyka

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