Christopher Schultz wrote:

I don't get it. Both setups (2.2.26 and 2.4.9) have 1.0.1.e and have an
update available to 1.0.1g (I haven't read the changelogs but I'll bet
the difference is mostly the version-bump since everyone is paranoid
about 1.0.1e, now). I'll see if that changes anything.

What OS are you running?  RHEL6?

If so, then you actually do have the patched version EQUIVALENT to 1.0.1g,
so my local Linux guru tells me.

On RHEL6, I get:
% openssl version
OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013

BUT, I also get:
~% rpm -q openssl

RedHat, he tells me, does not distribute the new version but actually weng back and applied the relevant patches TO THEIR DISTRIBUTED VERSION. Note the -16.
That's the indicator.

It seems that RedHat thinks they know better than we.

J.Lance Wilkinson ("Lance")           InterNet:
Systems Design Specialist - Lead        Phone: (814) 865-4870
Information Technology Services         FAX:   (814) 863-3560
Penn State University
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