Er, um, hemming and hawin.  Can't I be lazy? Pouting in corner :)

Ok, I have my coffee now; much better.

Eric, first off, many many thanks for your assistance.

One last question, possibly.

It looks like I'm going to have to install some type of testbed in order to
debug httpd.exe 2.4.9 as compared to 2.4.6.
Considering I'm on a 64-bit Windows 2008 R2 Server, SP1; I need a
simplified test setup to help debug this issue.

E.g. test-ldap-auth-through-httpd.exe  [user-name] [password]

The wrinkle here is having 2 httpd.exe's going at the same time.  This
machine is hosting our subversion repositories.  So, as I may have
mentioned before, I had to down-grade that back to a version that works
(it's using httpd 2.4.6).  To me (non-IT person), this would introduce an
element that would cloud the debugging.  So, I'd probably want to do this
debugging after hours in order to shut down the subversion server while
testing with httpd.exe 2.4.9.

I'm guessing the best of both worlds would be to have some type of
test-ldap-auth-through-httpd.exe that is self contained where I don't have
to start a webserver in order to test the ldap authentication.

OK, so, after all that rambling:  do you have a recommendation for a test


On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 8:55 AM, Eric Covener <> wrote:

> Still striking out. Any chance you can force it to use non-ssl ldap
> and capture the traffic with wireshark to see how the queries differ?
> I mistook the one long log line as the lookup, but it's just the
> configured URL.

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