Rich Bowen wrote:

On 03/04/2014 10:21 PM, LuKreme wrote:
For those of you who are US Taxpayers, are all costs of attending a convention like ApacheCon fully deductible? Including hotels and transportation? Food? Bar tab?

(Yes, I know, but I figure there’s a load of you paying for this yourself who know, and trawling through the IRS web site will probably only confuse me).

No, none of these expenses are deductible. Is there some reason you think that they might be? Are you considering them education expenses? Might be worth consulting with an accountant. However, my accountant has *never* indicated that these expenses are deductible.

        Depends on your situation, I think.  If you're going there using
        funding from your work, no.

        If you are self-funding, it MAY be different.

        As an analogy, try this:  My younger brother is a Montessori teacher.
        3/4 of the year, his expenses are not claimable because they're paid by
        his employer, the school he works for.  This includes any conferences
        they might SEND him to.

        BUT he's also a trainer of OTHER Montessori teachers.  3 months of the
        year for nearly 2 decades, he's had to file a SCHEDULE C to document
        the expenses he incurred WORKING AS AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR for the
        Montessori Training group that presented the teacher training.  His
        YEAR-ROUND transportation, lodging, meals, every expense he paid out of
        pocket while doing theis INDEPENDENT CONTRACTING, that he received not
        a salary for, but rather a fee for services, were deductable, I
        believe, provided they satisfied the requirements for that Schedule C.

        Like Rich says, consult an accountant.

J.Lance Wilkinson ("Lance")           InterNet:
Systems Design Specialist - Lead        Phone: (814) 865-4870
Information Technology Services         FAX:   (814) 863-3560
Penn State University
Digital Library Technologies, E3 Paterno Library, University Park, PA 16802

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