Re: How to log access to a specific web application ?
        108421 by: Igor Cicimov
        108422 by: Jeff Trawick

Yes if they have separate vhosts. Then in the vhost for the app A you can put lets say:

ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error_A.log
LogLevel info
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access_A.log combined

I'm a beginner with Apache.
And I prefer to avoid vhost and rather keeping my current (simple) configuration.

Apache httpd 2.4:
LogLevel info
<Location /A>
LogLevel debug http:trace2 proxy:trace2

My Apache version is v2.2 under Linux
The Linux distro is Debian under Wheezy (stable) which currently package the http v2.2

Aside this I'm using logwatch to monitor and email server activities.
As a (temporary) solution I'll probably modify the http log parser from logwatch to add specific logging for some applications (as I feel more comfortable with Perl and logwatch scripts).
Not a portable solution but should cover my needs short term solution.


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