From the desktop browser it prompts only one time, this behavior observed only 
on iPhone or Apple devices.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 3, 2014, at 2:21 PM, Jan Vávra <> wrote:
> Hello,
>  I have observed that browsers cache http basic authentication credentials 
> for the first word after the hostname in a url.
>  Eg. Caches credentials for http://hostname/word1/.../... and requires 
> inputting creadentials again for http://hostname/word2/.../...
>  So you can try move your authenticated content under one *word* (subtree). 
> Move it from  / to /word. Or all content from subtree of /word move as a 
> direct children of /word.
> Jan.
>> Hello,
>> I am using apache to host iOS related applications. I have integrated
>> apache with our internal LDAP. When I try to access on a desktop it
>> prompts for password only once. Where as in apple devices its
>> prompting multiple times (I use plist). If the app consists of 4
>> files, it prompts for password for 4 times.Can you please recommend a
>> better way to handle this?
>> Thanks
>> Ramesh
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