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On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 10:30 PM, Borden Rhodes <>wrote:

> Good evening, List,
> I apologise for not responding. It's been a busy December and I haven't had
> time to fight with httpd. In response to some comments:
> On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Eric Covener <> wrote:
> > You can do that with just Alias if there's no dynamic part.
> I may just end up doing this if .htaccess won't let me rewrite paths. I
> wanted
> to leave apache.conf alone and have a RewriteRule in
> /ClientWork/Drupal/.htaccess instead.
> As I understand the documentation, Alias is a specialised RewriteRule. If
> so,
> why is the latter allowed in .htaccess but the former is not?
> On 2 December 2013 13:02:34 Tom Evans wrote:
> > He only wants that to happen if the request "originates from"
> > /ClientWork/Drupal/ …
> I don't remember saying that I wanted to do this. (I guess this is what
> elicited the 'http is a stateless protocol' response). I don't care where
> the
> request originates from. All I care is that I can put a rule in
> /ClientWork/Drupal/.htaccess that will tell httpd to handle requests to
> "/sites/default/files/..." by retrieving the file at
> "/ClientWork/Drupal/sites/default/files/...".
> On 2 December 2013 13:02:34 Tom Evans wrote:
> > You can absolutely tell Apache that requests for
> > http://localhost/s/d/f/i/ should look in ~/www/CWD/D/s/d/f/i/, what
> > you can't do is only do that redirection based upon what URL the
> > previous request was.
> I'm not sure how I gave the impression that the previous request was
> relevant
> to rewriting current requests. Perhaps I caused some confusion when I said
> that the links in question were hard-coded into a Drupal website that lived
> under /ClientWork/Drupal. As I mentioned in earlier messages, I can't get
> any
> variant of "RewriteRule ^/(.*) /ClientWork/Drupal/$1" in
> /ClientWork/Drupal/.htaccess to even catch calls to
> /sites/default/files/...
> let alone rewrite them.
> On 2 December 2013 13:02:34 Tom Evans wrote:
> > However, I refuse to believe that Drupal does not have a setting that
> > allows you to run it at a particular location and generate the correct
> > URLs, which is the correct way forward here.
> > Could you ask this question on a drupal list - and not asking "how do
> > I redirect XYZ to PQR", but "I installed drupal in /ClientWork/Drupal/
> > and it is trying to load files from /sites/default/, what have I
> > missed". There may be a required configuration or installation step
> > that has been overlooked.
> Assuming you get a response on the Drupal fora, it'll typically say
> "Install
> module X", where X is an arbitrary member of a set of modules, Y, of
> differing
> levels of stability and maintenance. Even if I can find an X within Y that
> does
> the job, the links I'm trying to rewrite are hard-coded, so any module
> would
> still involve having to go back and rewrite each link by hand.
> I agree with you: the way forward is using a Drupal solution. Right now,
> though, I need a working clone of the website so I can do the updates and
> testing that I need to do before taking them live. I would rather have one
> to
> three lines in an .htaccess file work for the time being than to have to
> pick
> through and fix hundreds of pages.
> With thanks,
> Borden
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