I am not aware or even heard of such a configuration option, but if you
require Apache not to process requests for a specified amount of time, you
can use iptables in order to block traffic coming for port 80 for 10
seconds and release it after the job is done.

Warm Regards,
On Dec 31, 2013 1:49 PM, "samaneh berenjian" <>

> hi Ali,
> The problem of me is not how to process the modsecurity logs. My problem
> is how to make apache sleep or delay configuration? For example, tell
> apache to wait  10 seconds before responding to any request
> On Sun, 12/29/2013 07:20 PM, Ali Majdzadeh &lt;;
> wrote:
> Samaneh,
> Hi
> If you intend to develop some sort of a log manager program in order to
> process mod_security logs, it would be better to pipe Apache logs into a
> log manager daemon in order to process them simultaneously. Being the logs
> processed, you would be able to store the results into a database or do
> whatever the program is intended to. I think, the required architecture for
> these sort of problems is similar to what Snort and Barnyard2 have applied.
> Regards,
> Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani
> 2013/12/29 samaneh berenjian <>
>> ​hi dear users,
>> I have installed modsecurity on my apache server. When ever a bad request
>> is logged by modsecurity, i process the logs of modsecurity logfile. Ihave
>> set modsecurity in detection only mode and i want apache to not to response
>> to bad request when i am processing the log of bad request.
>> Is anyone aware of some type of apache sleep or delay configuration that will
>> easily allow me to configure this? For example, tell apache to wait  10
>> seconds before responding to any request.
> --
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