If you put HTML files in the htdocs folder, Apache should serve them as
HTML and then it depends on your browser understanding the HTML properly.
In most browsers, there is a development or debug panel that let's you see
the raw request and response. If you are not sure how to get that or what
the proper response values are, post specific examples (and what browser
you are using).
If you want to put anything more complicated than static content, you need
to use the appropriate Apache module (for example mod_php will run PHP
code) or CGI configuration.

You should also check that your code if properly formatted - specifically
that you have < and > and not &lt; and &gt;

Sent from a gizmo with a very small keyboard and hyperactive autocorrect.
On Dec 24, 2013 5:56 PM, "Frederick Miller" <fjmille...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I need an example of a simple application and how to set it up on Apache
> 2.2.  I'm running Windows XP, and I've read all the documentation.  I've
> put some Web apps under the htdocs folder, but they just show the source
> html and don't actually run the application.  I'd like to see an example
> that is more than just HTML, what folder to copy it into, and what the
> expected output is.  I've done JSPs and Servlets with Tomcat, but I'm new
> to Apache Server 2.2.  Thanks.
> Frederick Miller

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