Apache 2.2 installed and running on my own Windows Vista 64bit SP2 computer.  

File events_startup.html initiates my website home page and it contains the 
following code:

 <div class="di-anytime">
  <a href="cycle-login" target="_top" target='window1'title="Click to login for 
cycling stats...">
   <img class="ic-anytime" src="/images/anytime.jpg" alt=""/>/a>
 </div class="di-anytime">

File cycle-login is cycle-login.php and if working properly displays a login 
form.  Mysql is read and
username-password is validated.  If successful user is presented with a second 
form for data input.

Both these files reside in c:\apache2\htdocs.

Contained in c:\apache2\conf\httpd.conf are following pertinent entries:

ServerRoot "c:\apache2"
DocumentRoot "c:\apache2\htdocs"

The Issue:
events_startup.html executes correctly and displays the website home page 
either by 
entering my domain name into a browser or entering 
localhost/events_startup.html or
by entering my IP address followed by events_startup.html.

When I mouse click into the anytime.jpg image I receive the messages
"The requested URL /cycle-login was not found on this server."
"Error 404 Not Found".

Thank you for your help.

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