On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 7:22 AM, David Benfell <
benf...@mail.parts-unknown.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA512
> On 11/30/2013 04:51 AM, Igor Cicimov wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> I have exactly the same problem on CentOS-5.10 with openssl1.0.1e.
>> It seams you are indicating your openssl installation from source
>> went wrong somewhere. This is how I compiled and installed openssl
>> from source:
>> $ ./Configure --prefix=/usr/local --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl
>> enable-tlsext linux-x86_64 threads zlib enable-idea enable-rc5
>> enable-mdc2 enable-ec shared $ make depend $ make $ sudo make
>> install
>> still apache ab tool seams linking to wrong library during compile
>>  although I have given --with-ssl=/usr/local/openssl as location
>> in the configure step. Can you provide more details on how did you
>> exactly solve the problem?
> I have it posted here:
> https://disunitedstates.org/wiki/index.php/Openssl
> To build openssl, I do:
> ./config --prefix=/usr --openssldir=/etc/ssl --libdir=lib64 \
> && make && make test && sudo make install
> This overwrites the CentOS version and you will want to tell yum to
> ignore openssl.

Thanks for the reply David. But what if I don't want to overwrite the
existing openssl install since I lets say need it for other some
applications? Isn't what the "--with-ssl" option is suppose to do, point
apache to the right place to look for the libraries during the compile time?

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