Location has higher precedence than Directory.  It's merged after, not before.

On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 6:05 AM, King Holger (CI/AFP2)
<holger.k...@de.bosch.com> wrote:
> Dear Apache community,
> we just wonder why when using the following configuration:
> # allow using the "/" directory of this virtual host by all
> <Location />
>     Require all granted
> </Location>
> Alias /fslogs /opt/wcms/fs4/log
> <Directory /opt/wcms/fs4/log>
>     IndexIgnore .. fs4.pid fs-wrapper.log fs-gc.log
>     IndexOptions +FancyIndexing
>     Options +Indexes
>     AuthType Basic
>     AuthName "Restricted access"
>     AuthBasicProvider file
>     AuthUserFile /tmp/passwd
>     Require valid-user
> </Directory>
> the default handling of overwriting access directives in sub contexts does 
> not work properly (AuthMerging off). Might it be due to the two directives 
> "Location" and "Directory"? We expected that for "/opt/wcms/fs4/log" just 
> authenticated and valid users should have access. So, access should be 
> limited. Instead we see that everybody can browse the directory.
> Kind regards,
> Holger King
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Eric Covener

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