I'm using Apache (2.2.16-6) as a frontend in a multitier stack: Apache
contacts load balancer (on port:9000) using a proxy directive:
RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://localhost:9000/(backend foo)/$1 [P]
I'm using numbers 1-6 to distinct different times in request/response life:
Client --1-> Apache --2-> Load Balancer --3-> Backend
Client <-6-- Apache <-5-- Load Balancer <-4-- Backend
Looking at server-status page, I cant understand the "scope" of
scoreboard key: "W" (Sending Reply): it refers only to sending reply
to client (6), or the entire process of contacting backend, waiting
for response, and sending it to client (2+3+4+5+6), or maybe other?
Searching in Apache docs I did't find useful information: maybe you
can point me to the correct documentation?
Thank you,
Massimiliano De Ruosi
SEMEL (SErvizio di Messaging ELettronico) - AINF, Universita' di Udine
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