I'm hoping to hear from users who have experience scaling out (adding
apache servers) websites to cope with extra demand to learn from them.


My query isn't specific to any version of Apache2 and falls under the
category "if I have added as much RAM, CPU, Network capacity as the
server can hold how to I go about adding additional apache servers so
the demand/load is spread by a LB across numerous apache servers?"


I'm particularly interested to hear how the content to serve
(var/www/site1/) is kept consistent across the different servers
especially if visitors to the site would be uploading content


I tried the FAQ, mailing list archive and documentation but can't come
across any advice on the matter.


Do other apache admins recommend a shared storage implementation or
syncing content?

Would having php run with mod_suphp (suPHP is a tool for executing PHP
scripts with the permissions of their owners) complicate the matter as
regards permissions & ownership or is there also a way to deal with it?


Thanks in advance


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