Apache support SHA1 password but that depends on platform as well.

Vishesh Kumar

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 7:22 PM, Piotr Pawłowski <
piotr.pawlow...@goyello.com> wrote:

>  Dear all,
> I have a database with users, who are allowed to see content of my server.
> Everything were cool untill my developers added salt to hashed (with sha1)
> password.
> Is it possible to use such passwords In Apache Httpd ?
> Thank you in advance for a help.
> Best Regards
> ---
> Piotr Pawłowski
> System Administrator
> T: +48 58 732 77 71
> M: +48 698 794 378
> E: piotr.pawlow...@goyello.com
> S: piotr.goyello.com
> W: blog.goyello.com
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