
i had the same problem after migrating from Centos 5. After a few days of
testing, reinstallations between Centos 5 and 6 and recompiling different
kernels i found it.
It is connected with Preconnection function in new browsers (
https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=85229) and starts
showing in kernel 2.6.32.
Probably previous kernels including are handling such requests in
different way and they doesn't come to Apache until http header is sent.
I do not know what exactly has been changed between and 2.6.32
(changelog is over 8MB long) but it seems to be ok that Reading Request
connections appear in server status.
If you have too many of them you can decrease Timeout in httpd config.

Marcin Wanat

2013/4/6 linuxsupport <lin.supp...@gmail.com>

> I am facing a problem with Apache on CentOS 6
> Apache 2.2.19 is complied from source.
> I see so many reading requests in Apache status page, as per my previous
> experience this "reading request" issue mainly comes when any of the
> internet route having any problem and request takes time to completely
> reach to Apache, but this time there is no network issue.
> I have ran same setup on CentOS 5 it works well, but on CentOS 6 it show
> 60%+ reading requests, web site has 20-25 requests per second that becomes
> 80+
> I also tried to upgrade Apache to 2.2.24 but it is same on new version as
> well.
> Anyone else has experienced this issue?

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