On 03/04/2013 2:02 AM, "Sean Alderman" <salderm...@udayton.edu> wrote:
> Greetings,
>   I am running httpd with mod_proxy to load balance Tomcat
6.0.36.B containers.  I have encountered a somewhat strange situation, and
I was wondering if anyone could comment and or propose an alternative.
> I have a case where my tomcat containers have multiple webservice
applications deployed.  Most of the deployments are stateless, but a few of
them require session stickiness at the proxy layer.  I am looking for ways
to better distribute the workload of the stateless webservice calls, with
the hope of not having to create a new tomcat container separate stateful
and stateless sessions.  The following configuration was tested, but had
unexpected results...
> <Proxy balancer://webservices-sticky>
>     BalancerMember 
> ajp://tccontainer2.test.udayton.edu:12002route=webservices2-sticky
>     BalancerMember 
> ajp://tccontainer1.test.udayton.edu:12002route=webservices1-sticky status=+H
>     ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests
>     ProxySet stickysession=JSESSIONID
> </Proxy>
> <Proxy balancer://webservices>
>     BalancerMember ajp://tccontainer1.test.udayton.edu:12002 loadfactor=1
>     BalancerMember ajp://tccontainer2.test.udayton.edu:12002 loadfactor=2
>     ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests
> </Proxy>
> What I find is that balancer://webservices never sends any requests to

Thats because it never gets used, the requests are always being served by
the first proxy. Why do you have 2 of them?

 It would appear that the status=+H applies to the BalancerMember object
instead of balancer://webservices-sticky.

Correct, it means that that balancer member is hot standby as explained in
the documentation.

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