I'm running Apache 2.4.4 Win32 on a Windows 2008 server. When trying to
optimize a website I noticed a random reoccurring 2500ms delay in Time
To First Byte. A file could have a TTFB of 500ms several times but
suddenly it would get 3000ms. This could be a static file (image, html,
js) or php. After much trial and error I found the problem was with
mod_rewrite. Disabling this and everything is fine. Attached is a
section from error.log with trace8 logging. From line 3 to line 4 the
time skips from 23:28:56.123519 to 23:28:58.674665. It seems like
mod_rewrite is taking a pause? What can this be?
Oyvind Eriksen
[Tue Mar 12 23:28:56.123519 2013] [rewrite:trace3] [pid 7624:tid 888] mod_rewrite.c(468): [client 69.x.y.90:36279] 69.x.y.90 - - [my.example.com/sid#42c748][rid#26df0d0/initial] applying pattern '(^/Pictures.*)' to uri '/Pictures/Thumbnails/tmb_400X400_FFFFFF_660.jpg'
[Tue Mar 12 23:28:56.123519 2013] [rewrite:trace2] [pid 7624:tid 888] mod_rewrite.c(468): [client 69.x.y.90:36279] 69.x.y.90 - - [my.example.com/sid#42c748][rid#26df0d0/initial] rewrite '/Pictures/Thumbnails/tmb_400X400_FFFFFF_660.jpg' -> '//Pictures/Thumbnails/tmb_400X400_FFFFFF_660.jpg'
[Tue Mar 12 23:28:56.123519 2013] [rewrite:trace2] [pid 7624:tid 888] mod_rewrite.c(468): [client 69.x.y.90:36279] 69.x.y.90 - - [my.example.com/sid#42c748][rid#26df0d0/initial] local path result: //Pictures/Thumbnails/tmb_400X400_FFFFFF_660.jpg
[Tue Mar 12 23:28:58.674665 2013] [rewrite:trace2] [pid 7624:tid 888] mod_rewrite.c(468): [client 69.x.y.90:36279] 69.x.y.90 - - [my.example.com/sid#42c748][rid#26df0d0/initial] prefixed with document_root to D:/WWWDOCS/my.example.com/Pictures/Thumbnails/tmb_400X400_ffffff_660.jpg
[Tue Mar 12 23:28:58.675665 2013] [rewrite:trace1] [pid 7624:tid 888] mod_rewrite.c(468): [client 69.x.y.90:36279] 69.x.y.90 - - [my.example.com/sid#42c748][rid#26df0d0/initial] go-ahead with D:/WWWDOCS/my.example.com/Pictures/Thumbnails/tmb_400X400_ffffff_660.jpg [OK]
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