Hi all, I'm Santiago from Paris, France, new subscriber to this mailing list. Hope I will be of some help even though I just completed today my very first compilation of Apache HTTP from source.
So as I said, I just compiled Apache HTTP from source. It's working fine so I'm very happy and proud. Now I'm trying to chroot Apache so I added the directive *ChrootDir /var/www * in */usr/local/httpd-2.4.4/conf/httpd.conf*. Then Apache HTTP fails with the message *libgcc_s.so.1 must be installed for pthread_cancel to work*. I found various solutions where people just copy the library into the jail and I tested it and it works. But what I would like to do is to *re-compile Apache so that it includes the library into the standalone program*. How is that possible? Thanks for your help. ------------------------- *Santiago DIEZ*