Sharpe, G wrote:
I think what Eric is getting at is that the Apache Foundation doesn't provide
any*official* win32 binaries - the ones that are available for download are
actually ones done by a community member and then merely hosted on the
foundations website.
Presumably the lack of 2.4 binaries is because whoever was doing them has
Either way, that is why it isn't a policy change - there never have been
official ones (god knows why not), just some kindly soul compiling and
uploading them for us:-)
Hope that helps
>I can only say that this doesn't answer the question either. If it isn't a policy
change, what kind of a change is it? What is the explanation for the change? After a
history of >downloading versions from the site for nearly a
>Please note that this is a *question.* All previous queries on this topic seem
to me to have been summarily dismissed as irrelevant complaints. A proper answer
seems merited.
Since most people using Linux will probably have all the packages handled by
their distribution, and those distributions tend not to follow the guidelines
provided by Apache, the provision of Linux distributions is a little academic.
Windows has now reached a similar diversity of 'distributions', so one tends to
need something specific, with matching extensions. ApacheLounge has been
providing the more esoteric Windows for some time, and there are several
'bundled distributions' with PHP and a database, so the provision of an
'official' windows build is now as questionable as providing builds for Linux?
Lester Caine - G8HFL
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