On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 8:46 PM,  <oh...@cox.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I spent last night pulling my hair out because I was trying to build Apache, 
> but I was trying different 'configure' commands with different MPM 
> configurations, and it seemed like when I changed the parameters for 
> configure, it was using old/previous parameters.
> I was doing 'make clean' between attempts at running 'configure', but is 
> there a command/option for the 'configure' that makes it eliminate options 
> from previous attempts?
> I finally had to delete the entire 'httpd...' directory and untar the source 
> again to "start from scratch", but it seems like there must be a configure 
> option that does that?
> Jim

configure doesn't remember your options from a previous run, that is
what config.nice does. Where you accidentally running config.nice
instead of configure?



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