On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 01:08:32PM -0400, Rick Lopez wrote:
> Thanks for the reply. To clarify I am running Apache 2.4.3. I also used
> Kompozer to create the index.html file so I assumed it was creating the
> correct syntax. Kompozer created this for the embedded jpg file:
> src="file:///usr/local/apache2/images/DN-SD-99-05859.JPG"> and this for the
> tif file I wanted to be able to download via a link: <a
> href="file:///usr/local/apache2/images/DF-ST-89-06284.tif" If I understand
> correctly I need to do something like this?
> href="
> "
> I did try that for both the embedded jpg with the same result and the
> linked tif. I know get a file not found error.

You are almost there. The path part of the url should start from the
DocumentRoot (likely htdocs) so it should be something like


although you can also use relative links, which is almost always the
better idea if the destination is on the same server.

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