On 9/14/2012 12:24 AM, val john wrote:
im hosting close to 20 zip files in my site each close to 180MB in size , some times when i download one of the files .. its stops in the middle ( after 80MB ) ,And some times it get downloaded full file without any problem . is there any thing that i need to do in apache to avoid this issue.

In addition to Mark Montague's comments, the big question I have is time.

Get a stop watch and time it. How long is this download taking and when does the cutoff occur? Let's say you have a slow connection and it will take 10 minutes to download your file.

Well you might find your Apache configuration has a 5 minute timeout. look for the Timeout configuration option and see what it is.

Beyond that, it's possible your firewall has a timeout as well but I've rarely seen that bite people unless we are talking dial-up speeds.


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