Am 23.08.2012 21:26, schrieb Ben Johnson:
Sending this off-list, because it's probably not the appropriate venue
for the comment, but have you looked into the nginx Web-server at all?
It's relatively immature, but from what I've read, its performance is by
far superior to Apache's, due to a radically different architecture.
It wasn't always possible to run Python scripts atop nginx, but it seems
that these days, people are doing it with a good degree of success.
There's a HOW TO here:
Anyway, good luck!
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Hi Ben
yes, I read about it. The problem is that I can't use it either easily:
My app runs in house in a large company and I need to stick with what
our IT-security permits. The server is also provided by the central
IT-department, I can only choose RedHat standard packages and let them
deploy my app. I would need to let nginx get approved (which can take
ages ...).
Your recommendations help me a lot. I wanted to be sure, that I don't
miss any easy trick. I'll start with what you suggested and then go step
by step.
Thanks a lot,
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