Apache can't interpret the following link : <link
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

because of the @browserId=firefox&t=1344590189623 after main.css

but when I open the html file directly in the browser it works, the style
is applied. if I use the url link:


the style is not anymore applied, it can't read
If I rename main.css@browserId=firefox&t=1344590189623 to main.css and
change it also in the html file, the style is applied.

Could anyone help? Thank you for your answers.

here is my configuration :
- Full path and name of the HTML file in your filesystem : C:\Program
- DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache2.2/htdocs"
- Httpd is running
- I can access any page html file via httpD
- httpd is configured to listen on port 8080

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