On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 03:21:12PM +0200, Ruud Dozijn wrote:
> I have put this in my httpd.conf:
> <Location /cgi>
>     SetHandler  perl-script
>     PerlHandler ModPerl::Registry
>     Options ExecCGI
>     ErrorDocument 400 /handlers/400.h
> </Location>
> <Location /handlers>
>     SetHandler send-as-is
> </Location>
> What I would really like to obtain is that the output of my cgi script (being 
> a complete html document including headers) is not handled by any error 
> handler. 

Firstly, it turns out that it isn't a CGI script but rather a mod_perl2
registry script - different beast entirely. And given that, I'm
surprised that you aren't using

        PerlOptions +ParseHeaders

as suggested in the docs at
Perhaps that will provide the functionality which you require.

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