Hi all. I have managed to get a HTTPS-based WebDAV server up and running.
However, I have a conceptual query (sorry if I sound an absolute idiot) :: ############################################################################################################################## When we configure "ssl.conf" and/or "httpd.conf", that information is available only to the HTTPS-based WebDAV server. Now, HTTPS means that the data is transferred over the wire in encrypted form. So, right, the server has the information necessary to encrypt the data. BUT, HOW IS THE CLIENT ABLE TO DECRYPT THE DATA? (I have been running both webdav server and client on the same machine; so it might very well be the case that some info from "ssl.conf" and/or "httpd.conf" is being used at the client side. However, I am just guessing ... ############################################################################################################################## Sorry, if this sounds too basic a query; but this would clear a lot of things in my head. Looking forward to a reply. Thanks and Regards, Ajay