Thanks Daniel

Daniel Ruggeri  wrote:
>                               On 3/11/2012 1:32 PM, Ebrahim Khalilzadeh 
> wrote:    >             Dear users
>             Hi
>             For using mod_proxy I studied articles like below:
>             I have a problem that I could not find a solution for it. My      
>       web application checks referer field of HTTP packet and if            
> referer differ from internal address of my application, it            don't 
> send any response to client. I searched for a module            like 
> mod_proxy_html that could change HTTP header fields            just before 
> mod_proxy. The only module i could find is            mod_replace. Is there a 
> better module?
>             Regards,
>             Ebrahim Khalilzadeh
>                 -- 
       mod_headers can process the incoming headers (add, edit, delete)    
prior to them reaching mod_proxy. Use the RequestHeader directive to    make 
those kinds of changes. Note that there are some headers that    mod_proxy uses 
(like X-ForwardedFor) that you can not change.
    -- Daniel Ruggeri
  -- This email was Anti Virus checked by Astaro Security Gateway.

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