On Mar 11, 2012, at 12:55 AM, Yehuda Katz <yeh...@ymkatz.net> wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 2:42 PM, Chris Arnold <carn...@electrichendrix.com> 
> wrote:
> making a new vhost.conf called helpdesk.teknerds.conf and adding this to that 
> vhost.conf:
> DocumentRoot /opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/
> and adding this to the otrs.conf file which is in /etc/apache2/conf.d:
> # agent, admin and customer frontend
> Alias /otrs-web/ "/opt/otrs/var/httpd/htdocs/"
> Alias / "/opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/"
> This says to make an alias for every vhost from / to "/opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/"
> You need to put that all in the new vhost you created only.
I put that in the helpdesk.vhost.conf and teknerds.net is now a directory 
listing of files in the document root (along with helpdesk.teknerds.net). What 
I did do, that worked, was change the script alias in otrs to helpdesk/, then 
in the teknerds.conf vhost, add scriptalias /helpdesk/ 
"/path/to/otrs/cgi-bin/". Restart apache and now 
teknerds.net/helpdesk/customer.pl takes you to the customer login page. I still 
do not want the customer to have to enter the customer.pl part. In the first 
example I posted, you could set the landing page in the location directive. Is 
there a way to not have the customer type in customer.pl? When I go to 
teknerds.net!helpdesk, I get this in the error log:
attempt to invoke directory as a script: /opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/

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