Fresh install of 2.2.12 on SLES11 SP2 (fresh install also. I was having 
problems with yast munging apache vhosts and ssl.conf so i decided to reinstall 
SLES11 too). The only thing that has been done to apache: perl, php5 and 
rewrite mods loaded (NOT using yast but manually in loadmodule and apache2 
files). I copy the sites from a backup (NAS) and the corresponding vhost files 
and restart apache. I use safari to get to the sites and receive can not 
connect to the server. Nothing in the error logs except the restart. The vhost 
files all point to the correct root location. Its like apache is not even 
listening for connections. A netstat shows:
tcp        0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      

Firefox shows a unable to connect. What am i missing?

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