2012/3/1 Antonio Fernández Pérez <antoniofernan...@fabergames.com>

> Hi again,
> My apologies for these messages. Now, I have checked it and is growing the
> access log file. How can I do to deny these requests? I'm trying to
> configure Apache to deny all requests that tries to execute .dll files ind
> cgi-bin directory. Any idea? I don't know how can I do it.
These people are attempting to find holes in your webserver. They aren't
succeeding, but you want to make it so that none of this is logged, neither
in error log nor access log. This is not wise.

If you put a webserver on the internet, people will try and access weird
locations on it. So what? Rotate your logs, expire/delete old logs, and
stop worrying about it.

Anyway, to answer your question, access log entries can be controlled by
environment variables. See the documentation for CustomLog for an example
of this.




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