Is not relevant; You're going to get the accesses in there whether they
result in 200 or 404.

On 15 October 2011 06:35, Dan Trainor <> wrote:

> And the access log?
> On Oct 14, 2011 9:59 PM, "Steve Swift" <> wrote:
>> I don't have any particular axe to grind, but putting a favicon.ico in the
>> documentroot would avoid the error log starting to fill from the outset.
>> Also, for someone who had just installed their first ever server, it would
>> give them a clue how to get their own icon to appear in the browser. This
>> question comes up regularly.
>> On 14 October 2011 22:37, William A. Rowe Jr. <>wrote:
>>> On 10/14/2011 3:56 PM, Steve Swift wrote:
>>> > It is surprising that the installation of apache does not install a
>>> sample favicon.ico
>>> > (the apache "feather", perhaps).
>>> Wouldn't happen.  Take a look at the modern rendition of 'it worked'.
>>> <html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>
>>> The arbitrary user installs a server, why should that be branded to
>>> browsers as the ASF?  It is that person's server.
>>> I suppose you could make a case for a transparent empty icon, though.
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>> --
>> Steve Swift

Steve Swift

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