Hi! I'm calling a diretory index from an iframe. I want to open this files (links) in a new window...
here the page: http://portal.manxa.es/cataleg/v2/industrial/ca/promos2.htm It's possible using the apache (or htaccess) config? Thank's! Marc Serra - OiS mse...@manxa.es <img> Manxa 1901 S.L. Ctra. Les Tries 85 17800 Olot (Girona) Telf: +34 972 27 64 99 www.manxa.es Avis legal El contingut d'aquest correu electronic i els seus annexos es estrictament confidencial. En el cas que voste no sigui el destinatari i hagi rebut aquest missatge per error, preguem ho comuniqui al remitent i procedeixi a la seva eliminacio, sense difondre, emmagatzemar o copiar el seu contingut. Aviso legal El contenido de este correo electronico y sus anexos es estrictamente confidencial. En el caso de que usted no sea el destinatario y haya recibido este mensaje por error, rogamos lo comunique al remitente y proceda a su eliminacion, sin difundir, almacenar o copiar su contenido. Important notice The information contained in this e-mail is strictly confidential and is intended to be viewed and used only by the above-named recipient. If you are not the above-named intended recipient and have received this message by mistake, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication and its content is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication by mistake, please re-send it to the sender and delete the original message or any copy of it from your computer system.