Hi Experts,
We are using one Apache server ( two hostnames but one IP )  for two websites ( 
http://example_1.com/irj & https://example_2.com/irj )
Apache Hostnames :- Apache_host_1 & Apache_host_2 with same IP.
Web Sites 1 :- http://example_1.com/irj 
Web Sites 2 :- https://example_2.com/irj
We are using one apche server listening on two ports 80 & 443.
 1.  when I type http://Apache_host_1/irj  , it properly re-direct to 
 2.  When I type https://Apache_host_2/irj , it properly re-direct  to 
 3.  Now problem is but when I type http://Apache_host_2/irj , re-directs to 
http://example_1.com/irj . We need to re-direct this      to 
     ( This is because users may bot type https. Can you please give me a hint 
to fix this )
It is because , both Apache_host_1 & Apache_host_2 have same IP address.So 
http://Apache_host_2/irj qualifies for <VirtualHost  Apache_host_1:80>
Below is my configuration in httpd.conf
Listen Apache_host_1:80
NameVirtualHost directive
NameVirtualHost  Apache_host_1:80
<VirtualHost Apache_host_1:80>
ProxyPass          /irj    http://example_1.com/irj
ProxyPassreverse   /irj    http://example_1.com/irj
ServerName  Apache_host_1:80
Configuration in httpd-ssl.conf
Listen Apache_host_2:443
NameVirtualHost directive
NameVirtualHost  Apache_host_2:443
<VirtualHost Apache_host_2:443>
ProxyPass              /irj    https://example_2.com/irj
ProxyPassreverse   /irj    https://example_2.com/irj
RequestHeader set ClientProtocol https
Redirect permanent  /irj   https://Apache_host_2/irj
ServerName  Apache_host_2:443
Best Regards,

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