I have apache2 running virtual hosts. Ive fingered out how to jail a user that 
uploads files to the document root using jailkit and only allow SFTP access. 
What I have not fingered out is how to keep a user from reading other files on 
the system such as other virtual host document roots by uploading a phpshell 
which runs under the www-data user which is not jailed. 

I could jail the www-data account but this would not prevent one virtual host 
from seeing another using a phpshell since they would be in the same jail. 

what I think I need to do is run each virtural host under a different user 
account so I can jail each separate. How would I set this up? can virtual hosts 
be run with different user accounts? 

The reasoning behind this is I want to protect the PHP scripts from being 

Any suggestions or ideals if so send me some links to point me in the right 


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