L Last Rule Stop the rewriting process here and don't apply any more rewriting rules. This corresponds to the Perl last command or the break command from the C language. Use this flag to prevent the currently rewritten URL from being rewritten further by following rules. For example, use it to rewrite the root-path URL ('/') to a real one, e.g., '/e/www/'. R[=code] Redirect to new URL, with optional code (see below). Prefix Substitution with http://thishost[:thisport]/ (which makes the new URL a URI) to force a external redirection. If no code is given a HTTP response of 302 (MOVED TEMPORARILY) is used. If you want to use other response codes in the range 300-400 just specify them as a number or use one of the following symbolic names: temp (default), permanent, seeother. Use it for rules which should canonicalize the URL and give it back to the client, e.g., translate ``/~'' into ``/u/'' or always append a slash to /u/user, etc. From: aparna aryan [] Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 4:43 AM To:; Subject: Re: [us...@httpd] Regarding the redirect rules Thanks a lot Joost, Can u please explain what does "[R,L]" mean too? On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 6:11 PM, Joost de Heer <> wrote: On Fri, January 7, 2011 13:24, aparna aryan wrote: > Hello, > > Can any one please explain the meaning of this rule? > > RewriteEngine On > RewriteCond %{HTTP:FRONTEND-HTTPS} !on > RewriteRule ^/(wps/myportal/protected/.*) >$1[R,L] <$1%5bR,L%5d> > If the HTTP-header 'FRONTEND-HTTPS' isn't set to 'on', then redirect /wps/myportal/protected/[suburl] to[suburl] <> . Joost --------------------------------------------------------------------- The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project. See <URL:> for more info. To unsubscribe, e-mail: " from the digest: For additional commands, e-mail: