Hi Expert,
Below is our scenario.
Browser -------->Apache server ----------->SAP WEB Dispatcher ----------->SAP 
Portal ----------------->SAP SRM system

Now Reverse proxy is working file with Apache.
e.g when I hit  https://Apache_server_hostname:1443/irj   it takes me to SAP 
Portal without changing URL which is fine. Now when I click any link on this 
'irj' page it takes me to the SAP SRM system without changing url which is good 
( though tool like HTTPwatch can find it out the exact url of SAP SRM system )
 But when there is a error at SAP SRM system ( e.g SRM_System_Hostname.xyz.com 
). , Apache throws an error page  containing SAP SRM server name.I have to set 
error messages for 404,503 but no luck so far.
I get error message like 'service  xyz is not active on 
SAP_SRM_system_hostname' . We can active xyz service but when there is an error 
at SAP_SRM_System, it  should not throw its hostname.
Please let  me know if anybody has a solution for this.
Best Regards,Tushar.


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