
I have this for SSLCipherSuite:


On 9/24/2010 5:35 AM, wrote:
> Have you tried switching off EDH using the SSLCipherSuite directive in
> the apache config?
> *From:* Ricardo Stella []
> *Sent:* Friday, September 24, 2010 3:04 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [us...@httpd] firefox 3.6.9 fails to connect due to SSL DHE
> Hello,
> The latest Firefox 3.6.9+ will fail to connect to a server using the
> SSL DHE key exchange.  I guess my server is using this (I do have a
> commercial certificate).  Basically Mozilla says it's a server
> misconfiguration issue.  Anyone knows what needs to be configured so
> this doesn't happen?
> TIA.
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