I am running Amarok Web Front end.  On Ubuntu Mobline Remix I can have the 
music files located in /home/user/Music, on my FC12 box that will not work.  
The main difference between the 2 machiens is that on Ubuntu Apache2 is the 
service name and on FC12 httpd is the service name for the web server.  httpd 
appears to have more lock downs on it than ubuntu.  

I can not get my FC12 box to use /home/user/Music as a location that apache can 
serve the files from, but can on the Ubuntu box.  I created a folder and copied 
the Music director located at /music and made apache owner and I can serve 
music from that but from the logged in user, I can't see or edit the files in 
that folder.  

What do I need to change on my FC12 box to allow /home/user/Music to be read by 
apache, yet still allow me to access the directory?


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