Thanks, but there are no instances of rotatelogs at all.

On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 7:02 PM, Pravesh Rai <> wrote:

> Have you checked all running processes on the given system ? Since all
> instances of rotatelogs.exe runs as 'cmd', try to close them, one-by-one. I
> think, some of the old instances are not cleaning-up properly.
> Thanks,
> Pravesh
> On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 4:03 AM, Tuba Flea <> wrote:
>> I'm using Apache 2.2.11 on Windows Server 2003.
>> Apache is failing to start as its attempt to start rotatelogs fails. I
>> cannot figure out what the problem is.
>> Every time httpd starts up, these two message are placed sequentially in
>> error.log:
>>  1) unable to start piped log program ' "C:/Program
>> Files/foo/apache/bin/rotatelogs.exe" "C:/Program
>> Files/foo/logs/httpd/access.%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S.log" 86400': Access is
>> denied.
>> 2) Unable to open logs
>> ("foo" is a service that Apache is installed under and uses Apache.)
>> "Access is denied" is a Windows permission error message.
>> These are various things I've confirmed/tried:
>> 1) The foo service runs.
>> 2) The user that the foo service runs as can start rotatelogs.exe from the
>> command line.
>> 3) rotatelogs.exe has full execute permissions for all users.
>> 4) The logging-to directory exists and has write permissions for all
>> users.
>> 5) There are no security programs involved.
>> 6) Getting the events while running procman indicates that rotatelogs.exe
>> is not accessed in anyway by httpd.
>> 7) This works fine on other machines (running XP).
>> I've looked in the source code:
>>  - The "Unable to open logs" is from server/main.c:main().
>> - The "unable to start piped log program" is from
>> server/log.c:piped_log_spawn(), and the access denied is coming from when
>> srclib/apr/threadproc/win32/proc.c:apr_proc_create() calls the Windows
>> function CreateProcess(). As rotatelogs is not found in the events captured
>> by procman, it seems that CreateProcess() wasn't able to start rotatelogs.
>> This appears to be some weird permissions issue. But since httpd can
>> start, I can't figure out why it can't start rotatelogs.
>> Any help would be much appreciated.

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