
I have the following virtual host configuration :

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName www.foo.be
    ServerAlias www.fooa.be www.foob.be www.foobar.be

    DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/apache22/www/www.foo.be/amnesia/public

    RedirectMatch permanent ^/bbpf(.*) http://www.foo.be$1
    RedirectMatch permanent ^/biotraining(.*) http://www.foo.be/602
    RedirectMatch permanent ^/(ext/)?changes?(.*) http://www.foo.be/25
    RedirectMatch permanent ^/invasions(.*) http://bar.foo.be

    <Directory /usr/local/www/apache22/www/www.foo.be/amnesia/public>
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

    # Biodiversa #

    ProxyPass /biodiversa ajp:// retry=20
    ProxyPassReverse /biodiversa ajp://

    # Main portal #

    ProxyPassMatch /(files|images|js|styles) !

    ProxyPass / retry=10
    ProxyPassReverse /



The problem I have is that the RedirectMatch directives don't work, unless I add them in my "ProxyPassMatch ... !" directive (which is a bit boring, because I have to copy/paste every RedirectMatch pattern).
It seems that the request goes first through mod_proxy and then only 
through mod_alias, event it the mod_alias directives (RedirectMatch) 
appear first ... is it a normal behavior ?
Is there a clean way to do what I want to do, without involving 
mod_rewrite if possible ?

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